June 22, 2007, Newsletter Issue #16: Choosing the Right Greeting Card for the Woman in your Life

Tip of the Week

Choosing the right greeting card for the woman in your life can seem like a daunting task at times, but it doesn't have to be. By following these simple tips, you are sure to delight her with the greeting card you choose for any occasion!

Know the occasion! A woman doesn't want a standard, generic greeting card for her birthday or anniversary. A woman wants to feel appreciated and remembered, so be sure to find a card suitable for the occasion.Know her tastes! This may seem difficult, but it really isn't. Just pay close attention to what she says about other greeting cards she receives, and keep in mind what she likes or her interests when you're choosing a greeting card for the woman in your life.Use sexy cards sparingly and only when you are in an intimate relationship with the woman. This kind of card could easily offend a woman you are not involved with or have no intentions of being involved with.If the woman has a good sense of humor, consider a humorous card for some occasions. Be sure to use this kind of card sparingly, as well because women enjoy serious cards that show how much they are thought of by the sender.Following these simple tips will help take the confusion out of buying a greeting card for the woman in your life. The most important thing to keep in mind when buying greeting cards for a woman is to keep that woman in mind; her tastes, what she enjoys, her sense of humor. By keeping these things in mind, you are sure to find a card she will always treasure!

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