October 31, 2008, Newsletter Issue #86: Spreadin' The News

Tip of the Week

Sometimes it is hard to keep up-to-date with what is going on with family and friends in this fast-paced world we live in, which means it's just as hard for them to stay abreast of what is going on in our own lives.

One way to reconnect and touch base with your family and friends when you send out your greeting cards is by sending a family newsletter inside your card.

You can create this newsletter on your computer and print off as many copies as you need. In this newsletter you can tell everyone what is going on in your life, your children's achievements and milestones or anything of importance that you would like to share.

At the bottom of your newsletter, add a line or two letting everyone know you would love to hear their news, as well. This is a great way to start a new tradition with friends and family. You get to keep in touch and stay on top of noteworthy events in everyone's lives, while sharing your own with them as well!

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