November 21, 2008, Newsletter Issue #89: Fast Facts: Greeting Cards

Tip of the Week

When it comes to consumers and greeting cards, you might be surprised by some of the information gathered by the American Greeting Card Association. To illustrate this, here are some facts about greeting cards.

Women purchase over 80 percent of all greeting cards, but men are more likely to spend the most money on a single card than a woman.Although e-cards have gained much popularity, most people say they prefer a traditional paper greeting card to make them feel special.On average, a single household buys around 30 individual cards a year.An average person receives around 20 cards per year. At least one-third of these cards are birthday cards.When you take into consideration how many cards you've received for your birthday, for instance, and compare them to the facts above, you'll find that these facts are amazingly accurate. These fast facts give us some interesting new insights into the way we view our greeting cards!

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