November 7, 2008, Newsletter Issue #87: Five Reasons for Sending a Greeting Card to a Child

Tip of the Week

You may think that a child will not appreciate receiving a greeting card or letter through the mail, but you would be wrong! Children love to receive mail! Sending a letter or greeting card to a child can help to foster a love of writing and communication in them from an early age.

Here are five great reasons to send a greeting card or letter to a child to get you started.

Just to say, "I appreciate you!" Do the children in your life know how much you value and apprecaite them?The child received an "A" on their report card or aced a really difficult test. This can make the joy of a good grade last a while longer and help foster a love for learning.Send a child a greeting card or letter to remind them of some special event that is coming up. This can re-create the excitement of a trip or special event you've been planning to take them to.Send a child a greeting card for their birthday or any holiday. Children like to receive their own holiday cards and it makes them feel special!Send a child a greeting card or letter to let them know you are thinking of them and love them. Is there any better reason than that?You can send a child a greeting card for any reason or occasion: good grades or a winning game. Children appreciate the greeting cards they receive and treasure them.

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