February 15, 2008, Newsletter Issue #49: RSVP-ing Etiquette

Tip of the Week

We see the letters R.S.V.P. on many of the invitations we receive to any number of events. R.S.V.P. is derived from the French language and stands for "respondez s'il vous plait."  In English it means, "respond if you please."  People place this on invitations so that people will call or write, letting them know whether or not they will be attending the event.

For most events, you should call or write to your host/hostess, letting them know whether or not you plan to attend at least a week to two weeks in advance of the event itself.  Some invitations will have a special date to R.S.V.P. by. It's always good manners to reply before or at least by the date they have listed.

This let's your host/hostess know how many people are planning to attend so that they can furnish enough seating and refreshments for everyone. If you've ever planned a party or event where this was important to know beforehand, then you know how important it is to R.S.V.P. to any invitation that requests such, even if you don't plan to attend.

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