March 7, 2008, Newsletter Issue #52: Save The Date Girlfriend!

Tip of the Week

Most women can tell you the date of their next OB/GYN appointment, but many, if asked, wouldn't be able to tell you when the national observances were for important women's issues. Let's remedy that starting now! Below you will find a list of observances that are important to women's health. Call a friend, send a greeting card or send an e-card during these observances to show a girlfriend you care and remind them to take care of their body, spirit and mind!

January is Cervical Cancer Screening Month. The first week in this month is also Women's Self Empowerment Week.

February 1st is Women's Heart Health Day. February is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

March is not just National Women's History Month!  March 8th is the Day of Women's Rights & International Peace and International Working Women's Day.

April is Women's Eye Health and Safety Month.  April 9th through the 15th is National Women's Nutrition Week.

May is Women's Health Care Month.

June 11th is Abused Women and Children's Awareness Day.

August 1st is Girlfriend's Day and the 5th is Sister's Day.

September is Menopause Awareness Month and National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.  September 16th is Women's Friendship Day and the 26st is National Women's Health & Fitness Day.

November 25th is International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women Day.

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