April 17, 2009, Newsletter Issue #109: What is a Photo E-card?

Tip of the Week

Photo e-cards are exactly what you think they should be, an e-card in which you can upload a photo of something special to an e-card of your choice and then send to someone special. You can even personalize a message and send it with your photo e-card.

If you want to cheer up a loved one far away and you have snapped a super picture of your two small children, why not send that photo in a photo e-card? By simply picking an e-card site, choosing the Add-a-Photo option and then following the directions for how to upload, you can send a very personalized greeting to someone close to your heart.

Most often your photo must be in JPEG file format and must not be over 4 MB for file size. Most sites will resize your photo to a specified number of pixels according to what the site specifications are. Basically all of the hard work is done for you, you don't have to worry about resizing pictures unless they are over 4 MB or worry about pixels. All you need to worry about when sending a photo e-card is which card you want to send!

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