July 17, 2009, Newsletter Issue #122: How to Send a Talking E-card

Tip of the Week

Sending a talking e-card is a breeze, once you have become a member of the site, you can follow these basic directions.

1. Peruse through the talking e-card choices and pick the one that is right for you and click on it to go to another view of the character.

2. Once you have done this you can then enter the text you want to type. This text will be what your character will be speaking in the talking e-card that you are sending. You can then select the voice you want your character to speak.

3. You will then be able to preview your talking e-card to see if you like it. If you need to make changes to the card that is an option you can also choose to do.

4. Once you have done all of this, you will need to type in the recipient's email address and click "send" to send your talking e-card.

Most electronic greeting card sites have very similar instructions for sending a talking e-card to someone. The directions are very clear and should be easy to follow. If you have any trouble you can also click on the customer service link for assistance.

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